Big D Trading Blogs
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Is Tesla Republican?
It’s recently been discovered that Tesla employee’s overwhelmingly support Democrat candidates since the 2020 Presidential Election. Sure, this may not...

How long until $TSLA Recovers? Will it Ever Reclaim All-Time Highs?
Ah, the question everyone has been asking, how long until $TSLA recovers? For people new to Tesla stock, the recent...

The Great Twitter Purge of 2022: Be Gone Bots!
12 hours hardly goes by before more fascinating news leaks about Twitter under Elon Musk. This time it looks like...

The Irony of the IRS Requiring $600 Venmo Payments to be Reported
BREAKING: It was once a rumor and is now confirmed that Venmo-IRS auditing is now going to occur for payments...

BREAKING: Elon Musk Meets With Tim Cook
BREAKING: Elon Musk and Tim Cook have met. Elon Musk – Tim Cook budding romance? No, it’s likely that they...

Elon Musk Claims Twitter Interfered in Elections
BREAKING – Elon Musk claims that Twitter has interfered in elections. This was a reply to a Reuters post claiming...

Janet Yellen Weighs in On Twitter Drama (Reaction)
Of course she had to share her two cents. Janet Yellen officially announced on Nov. 30 that “Twitter should be...

What Would an Elon Phone Look Like?
There’s been rumors of the Apple store and Google play removing the Twitter app from their e-marketplaces. While that’s unlikely...

Apple’s Showing Their True Colors
The truth always comes out. Apple is showing their true colors by their latest rhetoric, threatening to remove Twitter from...

Apple Threatens to Remove Twitter From App Store
BREAKING – Elon Musk confirms that Apple threatened to remove Twitter from the app store. Let’s dig into the Apple-Twitter...

Cathie Wood’s Shocking Bitcoin Prediction (WTF!)
Cathie Wood’s bitcoin prediction is jaw dropping. She recently appeared on Bloomberg news and claimed that Bitcoin will hit a...

BlockFi Bites the Dust? Another Crypto Exchange Files for Bankruptcy
Womp. Joining the likes of FTX, BlockFi has reportedly filed for bankruptcy. I wrote that this was a possibility a...

Sam Bankman-Fried and FTX Donated $70 Million to US Politicians for Midterm Elections
BREAKING NEWS. It’s been reported that Sam Bankman-Fried donated $70 Million to US Politicians for the midterm elections. Sam Bankman-Fried...

When to Buy Stocks (Detailed Guide and Best Practices)
It’s one of the most common questions among investors and traders: when to buy stock? Let’s go over the best...

Sam Bankman-Fried WSJ Sh*tpost (Reaction)
This is the gift that keeps on giving. I burst out laughing when I saw the WSJ wrote another puff...

What I’m Thankful for In Stocks and Crypto
Happy thanksgiving, crypto and stock universe. Here’s what I’m thankful for in crypto and stocks. What I’m Thankful for in...