Is Bernie Sanders right about a four-day work week?

Everyone’s favorite (*eye roll*) politician, Bernie Sanders, stated that it’s time to switch to a four-day work week. Do you agree with him?
Why the four-day work week makes sense
Bernie Sanders four-day work week would mean one additional day to catch up on rest, hobbies, side businesses and most importantly, family time.
How many of us spend a full weekend day with our family on Saturday or Sunday, and then dread the feeling of going back to work the following day. In Bernie’s proposed four-day work week, this would no longer be an issue.
The shorter work week would also allow flexibility for American entrepreneurs to spend time honing their craft outside of the corporate walls. This could be more streaming on YouTube, writing that book you’ve been putting off, or posting content on Elon Musk’s Twitter.
Also, with the rise of ChatGPT and other AI services, perhaps it would ease the rigorous demands expected from today’s employees.
Why the four-day work week doesn’t make sense
Capitalism. Sarcasm aside, how would this affect the ability for companies to maximize profit? I suppose it could be structured where employees work non-traditional schedules like Sun-Weds and Weds-Sat to account for gaps in work.
Also, it would force employees to maximize every minute in their day to prove useful to their company or firm. It sounds like a tall ask in the day of social media and other meaningless dopamine-filled distractions.
Working just four days would put unrealistic expectations on employees to do more with less. I imagine that would be the most common argument against switching to this model.
How would the four-day work week affect the stock market?
It would affect the stock market in two ways.
Would the NYSE only be open Mon-Thurs?
I highly doubt this would ever become possible. One less day to collect fees and options premiums? I can’t foresee this happening.
Would the four-day work week affect companies earnings?
In this day and age the stock market loves to build in ‘what companies could be’ in their current share price. Two easy examples that come to mind here are Tesla and Nvidia. High p/e stocks might see their valuations come down if there’s less employee output.
Though, it’s worth noting that alternative schedules and different hours 8-6 four days per week, could make up for lost time.
How many people would be in favor of a four-day work week? It sounds a little too good to be true if I’m being honest with myself. I’ve always done better with routines. Getting up early and getting to work seems to make me more productive and puts me in a better mood.
The four-day work week does fit Bernie Sanders narrative well. Work less and enjoy life more sounds like it would be a great campaign slogan. It also sounds like it runs the risk of being an empty promise, like Joe Biden paying off your student loans.