Is Tesla Republican?

It’s recently been discovered that Tesla employee’s overwhelmingly support Democrat candidates since the 2020 Presidential Election. Sure, this may not be a big surprise since anything in relation to “big tech” largely leans left. However, Elon Musk has promised to allow both political parties the right to express their views on Twitter. He’s even said that he supports Republicans and will be backing them in up-coming elections. Does that mean Tesla a Republican or Democrat company?
Is Tesla Republican or Democrat?
Im also curious if the person tweeting for @Tesla is free to express Tesla’s feelings on issues. 94% of tesla employees gave money to democrats this year. Similar to the 2020 election. $tsla
— Ross Gerber (@GerberKawasaki) December 29, 2022
I personally don’t believe any US-based company should be seen as a political symbol. If I’m going to buy a Tesla, it’s because I love the technology and believe that it’s the best car on the market. I would use the same rationale for investing in a company. Do I like the company’s financials and the product that the company is making? If yes, then I consider investing.
What I don’t do, or didn’t use to do, is dig deep into where the company aligns politically. However, it seems to be a trend since Donald Trump was elected as the 45th President of the United States, to politicize everything.
You don’t want to get the vaccine? Shame! You must be a republican — all the elitist liberals will say. Conversely, if you wish to get vaccinated and triple boosted, you’re going to regret that, republicans will scream.
Every issue from health care, technology to social justice is now being heavily politicized. And, if you even question some of the main-stream narratives, you are seen as an opponent.
This is the sad reality of the state of the world. Sure, there are still people left like myself, who will not cut off friendships or relationships for political views. But that’s few and far between.
How did it get this way?
Franky, in my opinion, we had it so good for so long under the Trump years that we needed more conflict. Then came COVID, then came insane political and social turmoil. Eventually, it got to the point where if you weren’t saying anything, you were branded as an enemy of the state.
Even in the corporate sector, many companies required their employees to get vaccinated, whether they wanted to or not. It was get the shot or get fired. Many companies also held seminars for employees on racial discrimination and inequality.
You could be the nicest person in the world with no enemies, and you still were required to do these things for “the greater good.”
Which brings me to my final point. Tesla is not having an identity crisis. Their employees have every right to donate to Democrats. As their boss, Elon Musk, has every right to support the Republicans.
As long as he treats employees with respect and doesn’t discriminate on them because of their political beliefs, there is absolutely no issue here.
When a Tesla zooms by you on the street now, are you going to ball up your fist in anger and scream “you dirty republican!” I doubt it.
Just a republicans didn’t view Tesla cars as globalist mobiles prior to Elon’s acquisition of Twitter.
Me personally, I am tired of the political divide in the US. Let people believe what they want to believe. But please stop projecting and getting in people’s faces if they believe differently than you.
Life is short. We must make the most of our time on Earth and we must promote peace and love. Without this, things are only going to get worse.
It won’t matter if you drive a Tesla if we’re heading for another world war.
May it always be so. It is the most treasured item on my bedside table.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 27, 2022