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Are meme stocks dead? AMC, Gamestop and others
In recent years, meme stocks have garnered significant attention in the financial world. A specific group of independent investors has...

Crypto News Predictions: Bitcoin, Ethereum are long-term investments
Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual asset designed to function as a medium of exchange. The first and most well-known...

Next Stock Market Crash Prediction: An In-Depth Analysis
The stock market has always been volatile and unpredictable, and the current state of the market has many investors wondering...

Tesla’s Stock Prediction for 2025: An In-Depth Look
Tesla is one of the most well-known companies in the world and is considered by many to be the leader...

Coinbase’s Stock Price Prediction: What to Expect in 2025
Coinbase is one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. Their platform is used for buying, selling, and storing...

Stock market outlook for 2023: Recession or Bull Market?
If you’ve read Big D Trading (I encourage you to if you haven’t), you know I’m an optimist. But I’m...

Is Tesla Republican?
It’s recently been discovered that Tesla employee’s overwhelmingly support Democrat candidates since the 2020 Presidential Election. Sure, this may not...

How long until $TSLA Recovers? Will it Ever Reclaim All-Time Highs?
Ah, the question everyone has been asking, how long until $TSLA recovers? For people new to Tesla stock, the recent...

The Great Twitter Purge of 2022: Be Gone Bots!
12 hours hardly goes by before more fascinating news leaks about Twitter under Elon Musk. This time it looks like...

The Irony of the IRS Requiring $600 Venmo Payments to be Reported
BREAKING: It was once a rumor and is now confirmed that Venmo-IRS auditing is now going to occur for payments...

BREAKING: Elon Musk Meets With Tim Cook
BREAKING: Elon Musk and Tim Cook have met. Elon Musk – Tim Cook budding romance? No, it’s likely that they...

Elon Musk Claims Twitter Interfered in Elections
BREAKING – Elon Musk claims that Twitter has interfered in elections. This was a reply to a Reuters post claiming...

Janet Yellen Weighs in On Twitter Drama (Reaction)
Of course she had to share her two cents. Janet Yellen officially announced on Nov. 30 that “Twitter should be...

What Would an Elon Phone Look Like?
There’s been rumors of the Apple store and Google play removing the Twitter app from their e-marketplaces. While that’s unlikely...

Apple’s Showing Their True Colors
The truth always comes out. Apple is showing their true colors by their latest rhetoric, threatening to remove Twitter from...

Apple Threatens to Remove Twitter From App Store
BREAKING – Elon Musk confirms that Apple threatened to remove Twitter from the app store. Let’s dig into the Apple-Twitter...