The Most Boring Trend in Crypto That You Need to Know

Typically when we’re talking crypto we’re trying to make price predictions for the big players: BTC, ETH, SOL, etc. but what if I told you there was sector of DeFi that needs your attention now?

I’ll keep this short and sweet so you don’t glaze over at your desk.

The crypto sector you need to know now is: DeFi data storage.

What is crypto data storage?

Remember the days of storage sites like megaupload, rapidshare and others?

Most commonly now we know Google Drive as a household product.

Enter crypto.

With many industries slowly, but surely, shifting into the Web3 space, data storage is one to keep an eye on.

A Web3 company and crypto ($STOS) are improving Google Drive by delivering higher speed.

In addition to offering higher speed, crypto data storage will also offer higher security than ‘Web 2’ products.

The way I’m looking at this is simple.

Take any current industry — and make it more fast and secure.

Simple, right?

That’s why I’m starting to keep a watchlist of all the trends in crypto to see where the industry is heading next.

With crypto data storage, we can improve our workflow, keep our work secure and share it at insanely high speeds.

Why isn’t everyone talking about this?

Well because it’s boring!

However, we know most of the famous investing gurus will always tell you to pick the crypto and stocks that no one is talking about yet.

The current times remind me a lot of the early 2000’s.

When the internet was in its infancy.

Crypto gives me the same feeling.

Soon, we’ll even see the Google’s of the world, turn to $STOS or others like it, to improve their products.

Is it time to board the rocket ship and invest in $STOS and other crypto data storage coins?

Not just yet. And if you’re inclined to, please consult a licensed financial professional first.

As for us, we like to provide the Blue Chip Buzz community with trends before their commonplace.

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[…] See related: the most boring trend in crypto you need to know […]

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