What Would an Elon Phone Look Like?

There’s been rumors of the Apple store and Google play removing the Twitter app from their e-marketplaces. While that’s unlikely to happen, it did inspire Elon Musk to theorize what he would do in that scenario. The Elon phone.

UPDATE: $AAPL hit a one-year low of $141 per share after their biases were exposed.

The Elon Phone

The tweet that sparked it all. I love how Elon will address just about anything.

So, let’s say the worst-case scenario occurs and the App store and Google play ban Twitter.

As a result, you can bank on Elon creating a phone.

This ‘Elon Phone’ could be designed by engineers at Tesla or SpaceX.

OR, he could buy a lesser known phone technology/prototype and make it mainstream.

Either way, this would be self cannibalizing for Apple.

We can all admit that the iPhone is still great technology. Sure, it doesn’t feel the same as back in the days of the iPhone 4, 5 and 6 when each version felt like a massive upgrade.

But nonetheless, it’s still fun to keep up with the changes each year.

But if Apple DID ban Twitter, the Elon Phone would significantly cut into their sales.

What Would the ‘Elon Phone’ Look Like?

Design-wise, Elon’s products are cutting-edge. Let’s take the Cybertruck for example, it’s considered a once-in-a-generation design with it’s sleek modern edges and futuristic touches.

Many of Tesla’s designs are years ahead of where their competitors are in the landscape.

So we can only imagine that the phone would be revolutionary is some ways.

Though not to the degree of the Samsung Galaxy Fold – which seems unnecessary.

If you’ve been inside a Tesla, you’ll know that the a minimalistic. I’d imagine the Elon Phone would be quite basic looking on the exterior.

What Features Would the ‘Elon Phone’ Have?

This is fun to think about.

Well we know that free speech would be first.

Which a few years ago would seem like a given, it needs to be said now.

I’m sure that Starlink compatibility would be used too. Perhaps it could be all through Starlink wifi and forgo the need for Cell towers altogether?

We know that Tesla’s features, other than self drive, are simple.

Less is more, if you will.

The phone would be the same way. It would be 100% user friendly that integrates futuristic features and makes them easy for anyone to use.

In order to flick on self-drive, you simply push the left steering-wheel knob down twice.

I could see the phone having a similar functionality with a “master button” that has different uses if it’s pushed once, twice or three times.

What Would the Elon Phone be Called?

Go to the comment section and type your best guess.

The “E phone” is just too easy of a guess here. Albeit a good one, I’m going to go with something with the letter “X”

CellX? Something along these lines.

He seems to have a fascination with that letter after naming one of his kids, X Æ A-Xii Musk. Pronunciation forthcoming..

Would You Buy ‘Elon Phone’?


Unequivocally, yes.

Elon is one of the true tech pioneers that’s trying to impact the world for the better.

Not one of these psychopathic silicon-valley weirdos that’s obsessed with power and control.

So, would you buy it?

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[…] can’t say I’m surprised after I detailed how this could happen a few days ago. But now it’s […]


[…] Twitter. And for Apple, this means that they likely won’t have to worry about an “Elon Phone” competitor from Tesla or SpaceX […]


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